We have had some frustrations in Mexico and we have found a lot of them revolve around not speaking the language. I know what most of you are thinking, “how is it you live in Mexico and don’t speak Spanish?”
Well, we do know some Spanish (elementary level) but not enough to mail a package or talk to a carpenter. We decided we were at our wits end and feeling stressed out by it. We decided to take classes to try and improve our communication. Clearly it won’t be fixed in a day but at least we are trying to expand our knowledge.
We have opted to use El Camino Language School in Tulum and so far so good. We would recommend them to anyone who asks. Check them out if you, too, are interested in learning a new language.
FYI, my new favorite Spanish word I learned in class: cacahuate (as in crema de cacahuate). It means Peanut. 😉