Ever since returning from our Caribbean trip we feel we are missing out on the life we want to live. We have spent many hours researching how we can move away, work/not work, be a couple who manages a villa, work as a crew on a boat… The list goes on. I literally save all the links I find, send Keith numerous tid bits of info on certifications we need, classes we should take, language lessons, etc. Thank god he loves me and is down with idea or he would have totally left me by now. When I get focused on an idea I do al I can to try and make it happen.
We are following several other bloggers who abandoned the life they once lived for a life of travel and I really want that to be us. I am on a mission now.
I think we have given ourselves a 2 year goal but honestly we are ready to go now. If we didn’t have jobs, a business, houses, cars, pets… We’d just sell it all and go. Stupid responsibilities!