Don’t get me wrong, I am thrilled to have retired at 40. It’s a dream come true! However, it is not easy for me to sit still for very long. Have you met me?
When we first decided to do this I knew I would have to have something to do in my free time. I can sit at the beach or by the pool and be quite content but those hours in the morning or late at night tend to need to be filled for me… So, I started my own little website, The Sweetest Tee, where I sell things I like, in hopes others will find them and like them too. It’s not a huge money maker but it does give me a little extra cash to put in savings. It’s been rather rewarding for me to have something that I built and maintain. I am always trying to shamelessly plug it in hopes to get more traffic, sales, likes, etc…
Keith and I wear our tees ALL THE TIME and are constantly stopped and asked about them. We come up with funny sayings, friends send us sayings and we search for unique sayings online. Then we put them on our tees. We are always looking for more ideas so please send them over if you have any.
I have tried adding more items to the site (beauty, home goods, electronics, etc…) but the tees are by far the most fun for me to make and add. The other items are things I find interesting and think maybe someone else may like as well. I would love feedback on the site, especially if it will help make it better. I am always open to suggestions.
If you haven’t tried it yet, use code FIRSTTIME10 for 10% off to give it a try.