We may not live in the US right now but we still want to vote and be apart of our home country and her politics. Now more than ever! Our plan all along has been to fly back to the US during election time so we could vote.
Right now the General Elections are being voted on and I was told by a fellow expat that we can vote via absentee ballot from Mexico. I guess I kind of knew this but hadn’t put it together on just how easy it really is to get yourself signed up for absentee ballot outside of the US. FVAP makes it super easy!!
To make sure I did everything right I called my county in FL and confirmed everything was setup correctly. She was able to actually switch me to absentee right over the phone. She then emailed us our ballots. Over the weekend we printed them out, filled them out, scanned them back into our computer and then I emailed them to FVAP with the information they requested (your county office and their contact info).
This morning I got an email from FVAP saying they received my documents and would be faxing them to my county. They couldn’t guarantee me they would receive them. I emailed my county and she said the system would generate an email when received and if anything was missing she’s email me directly. EASY!!
Maybe I was just lucky, but the process for me was super easy.